Earth Day at Kohinoor Residences: Celebration in Lockdown

Showing love for Mother Nature is among the prime responsibilities of any individual. In recent years, the environment has taken a huge toll. Various nations, including India, have vowed to implement policies and take initiatives to reduce carbon footprints in the world.

Significance of earth day

On this note, the significance of Earth Day 2021, on 22nd April each year, is paramount. People, irrespective of their backgrounds and locations, show their love for Mother Nature through various gestures. Awareness about improving environmental conditions is built. Men, women and children join hands to save the earth against pollution and exploitation of its valuable resources.

Beyond celebration

With the onslaught of the corona virus in its lethal second wave, celebrating Earth Day is more relevant than ever. Degradation of natural resources is one of the major factors that cause natural calamities and spread deadly diseases. Celebrating Earth Day is not merely a few hours of festivity, but strengthening the will to save nature against all the ills it has to bear, each second.

Spreading awareness

The exciting range of activities centring on earth day celebration in Kohinoor residences ensures once again that folks living here shoulder the responsibility to spread awareness to save Mother Nature.

Most of the residents took part

Kohinoor Group Pune
Usually, young professionals, entrepreneurs, their children and aged parents are the elite residents of any Kohinoor real estate project. It was really heartening to witness that most of them joyously took part in the celebration, in their peaceful and intelligent ways, during the trying times of the pandemic.

A strong community message

Each of the residents had the sense of not gathering on April 22 to celebrate Earth Day. The families stayed in their plush apartments respectively and sent a strong community message of tackling the corona virus by following regulations, and at the same time, championing the cause of Earth Day.

Championing sustainability

Sustainable living is one of the main philosophies on which Kohinoor Group runs its business. The Group aims to build not just realty properties, but happiness that lasts long. At each hierarchy of Kohinoor Group, an employee strongly endorses the concept of sustainability. It becomes more relevant and the message becomes louder on Earth Day each year.

Enjoying responsibly

For example, this year, the residents already knew the incredible havoc Corona is causing across the nation, including various localities in Pune. So, they decided to stay at their home, celebrate the event and share photos on their social media profiles, causing no issues to fellow citizens and authorities, during the pandemic.


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Pure enjoyment

Each of the residents in Kohinoor apartments have refined tastes. They know very well how to celebrate, keeping the decorum, maintaining peace and order. From children to the elderly, residents at Kohinoor did enjoy a lot on April 22 – Earth Day.

Tried culinary skills

Some of the residents baked cakes and pastries and rejoiced a lot. The photos were shared online on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. While there were many Kohinoor residents who planned to cook something special for the dinner. Overall, it was a mood of elation, in small circles. There was happiness in the air, as it is normal on any given day in any Kohinoor project premises.

Shared earth day quotes on social media

Many residents also shared quotes, appropriate to spread awareness about protecting Mother Nature. It is certainly a big responsibility to make others understand the tremendous significance of Earth Day.

Vowed to plant more trees

There were also residents in Kohinoor who vowed to plant trees once the pandemic was over. It was an excellent oath that many people took. For obvious reasons, planting more trees and a large scale Afforestation is extremely important to improve the conditions of Mother Nature.

Putting off lights



A particular thing was common among all the apartments and project complexes of Kohinoor Group. Each of the apartments put off the light for 10 Mins after evening, in order to send a clear message that they really care about the environment. They want to play a part in reducing carbon footprints.


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A ‘hit’ in social media

Social media was effectively used on April 22 to popularize the celebration and the cause. Most of the Kohinoor residents merrily participated. The friends and relatives of Kohinoor residents living in other cities appreciated the effort whole-heartedly. This year, without any doubt, it was a brilliantly designed celebration of Earth Day by Kohinoor residents.

Message through lit candles


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Hundreds and even thousands of candles were lit. The balconies of the apartments and alleys within the premises were nicely decorated. The mellow light put the message of Earth Day forward to many more people. Overall, the celebration was wonderful in the truest of senses.

Kohinoor team members participated

The amazing thing about the celebration of Earth Day this year was the degree of awareness was very high. The various team members of Kohinoor Group Pune also did their bit to add value to the celebration. The lights, fans and air-conditions at the offices were put off. For Kohinoor, every celebration is a team effort.

More enthusiasm for next year

Residents of Kohinoor have vowed to celebrate Earth Day next year with much more rigour and enthusiasm. They have decided that they would plan in a better way, and take broader initiatives to convey the message even more strongly.


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